424 research outputs found

    State of development and perspective of the electric vehicles

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    First EV has been made in in 1837. This type of motor vehicles has dominated throughout the whole 19th century. In the early 20th century the faster and more robust vehicles with ICE overcame them until late 20th century, when ecological and economic problems of further application of these vehicles have emerged. The interest in EV has risen sharply. Researches are working in several directions in order to reduce the need for oil derivatives considering that the EV's are weak primarily due to inferior "reservoir of energy" to fully meet the current driving habits. Savings can be achieved in two ways, by making more economic motor vehicles or by the use of alternative fuels. Combining an electric propulsion and IC engine drives a hybrid vehicle is obtained, with a greater amount of batteries and "plug in" that is to some extent possible to reduce fossil fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Intensive research work on exploring new battery is still to come. Today promising results with Li - air batteries, fuel cells and super capacitors, as well as the efforts of major car manufacturers indicate that the EV could soon appear massive in the streets of cities. This paper deals with the development of EV, following the development of powertrain and can conclude the fact that in the near future this type of drive could return

    The Application of Electric Drive Technologies in City Buses

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    Zlatomir ZĢŒivanovicĢ and Zoran Nikolic (2012). The Application of Electric Drive Technologies in City Buses, New Generation of Electric Vehicles, Prof. Zoran Stevic (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0893-1, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/51770. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/new-generation-of-electric-vehicles/the-application-of-electric-drive-technologies-in-city-buse


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    In this paper, we propose several solutions for approximating the Q-function using one exponential function or the sum of two exponential functions. As the novel Q-function approximations have simple analytical forms and are therefore very suitable for further derivation of expressions in closed forms, a large number of applications are feasible. The application of the novel exponential type approximations of the Q-function is especially important for overcoming issues arising in designing scalar companding quantizers for the Gaussian source, which are caused by the non-existence of a closed form expression for the Q-function. Since our approximations of the Q-function have simple analytical forms and are more accurate than the approximations of the Q-function previously used for the observed problem in the scalar companding quantization of the Gaussian source, their application, especially for this problem is of great importance

    The First Implementation of a Total Flight Test System in Former Yugoslav Flight Test Centre

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    This paper describes the overall system design and relevant performance characteristics of total Flight Test Instrumentation Systems (FTI) based on PCM/FM telemetry technique for aircraft testing first implemented in Former Yugoslav Flight Test Centre (FTC). Design and implementation of the FTI System is very important for successful evaluation of the testing prototype of vehicle. The system encompasses subsystems for airborne data acquisition and flight line check-out, a mobile ground telemetry system, and a fixed facility. The fixed facility includes a ground telemetry system for real time data processing and test control, and a data processing system for postflight analysis. The system represents a fully integrated approach to flight test systems which addresses the end-to-end requirements from airborne data acquisition and real time flight monitoring through aircraft performance and stability/control analysis. The architecture of the ground systems illustrates how preprocessing can be utilized to create powerful real time telemetry systems even with modest general purpose computer capability

    In situ conservation of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) gene pool in the protected area "Great War Island"

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    The conducted research that involved the assessment of the census size of the black poplar population on The Great War Island, its viability and health status, levels of genetic diversity and recent changes in population served as the basis for defining the measures of in situ conservation of the available gene pool. A network of in situ conservation habitats, labeled A, B and C, were formed. The area of conservation habitat A is 27.90 ha and includes 455 individual trees of black poplar. Conservation habitat B spreads over an area of 7.84 ha and includes 192 individual trees of black poplar. Conservation site C spreads over an area of 21.25 ha and includes 260 individual trees of black poplar. Potential new areas suitable for natural regeneration have been identified in the vicinity of the conservation habitats. Their total area amounts to 16.50 ha and they are surrounded by reproductively mature black poplar trees and thus, seeds can easily be transferred to these areas. The suggested measures of in situ conservation are aimed at the maintenance and conservation of existing black poplar population in the area of Great War Island

    Energetski efikasno napajanje autonomnih potroÅ”ača koriŔćenjem hibridnog (fotonaponskog i dizelagregatskog) izvora

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    The energy efficient solution of autonomous power supply of consumers during the year, by using of a hybrid (photovoltaic and diesel aggregates) sources in the monastery Chilandar is presented in this paper. In details optimal load of diesel aggregate is discussed with a minimum consumption of fossil fuels. The results of the one year exploitation of the electricity generated from photovoltaic panels in our conditions are presented as well. Taking into consideration the specific location and importance of the monastery, the current and future needs of the monastery and particular way of life of the monks, the new hybrid system for the daily consumption of 400 kWh of energy and peak load of 80 kW has been designed and explained. It is based on the combined use of the three diesel power generators 2 x 40 kW and 80 kW, photovoltaic rated power 75 kW and battery pack for energy storage of 400 kWh. The primary objective of the new system is to reduce the consumption of diesel fuel and operating costs for the system power consumption.U ovom radu je opisano energetski efikasno reÅ”enje autonomnog napajanja potroÅ”ača tokom godine, koriŔćenjem hibridnog (solarne i dizel agregata) izvora u manastiru Hilandaru. Detaljnije je razmotreno optimalno opterećenje dizel agregata sa minimalnom potroÅ”njom fosilnih goriva. Prikazani su rezultati jednogodiÅ”njeg ispitivanja, u naÅ”im uslovima, dobijanja električne energije iz fotonaponskih panela. Imajući u vidu specifičnu lokaciju i značaj manastira, sadaÅ”nje i buduće potrebe manastira i specifičan način života monaha, nov hibridni sistem za dnevnu potroÅ”nju od 400 kWh električne energije i vrÅ”no opterećenje od 80 kW je projektovan i objaÅ”njen. Zasniva na kombinovanom koriŔćenju tri dizel generatora snage 2 x 40 kW i 80 kW, fotonaponskih nominalne snage 75 kW i baterije za skladiÅ”tenje energije od 400 kW. Primarni cilj novog sistema je da smanji potroÅ”nju dizel goriva i operativnih troÅ”kova za potroÅ”nju energije sistema

    Solar irrigation of small agricultural farms

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    U radu je opisan sistem za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih dobara koji obezbedjuje tokom letnjih meseci do 12m3 vode za zalivanje sa dubine od 30m. Navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih dobara je poznat problem u suÅ”nim oblastima gde ne postoji priključak uredjaja za navodnjavanje na elektrodistributivnu mrežu. Prikazani su rezultati merenja dobijene električne energije iz fotonaponskih ćelija tokom letnjih meseci 2012. godine kao osnov za dopunjavanje olovnih akumulatorskih baterija. Prikazana je Q-H kriva potapajuće vibracione pumpe ā€žKatexā€œ, 220W koriŔćena za ispitivanja sistema koji obezbedjuju dnevnu količinu vode od 12m3. Na osnovu obavljenih ispitivanja, projektovan je i prikazan sistem solarnog navodnjavanja malih poljoprivrednih dobara sa osnovnim komponentama i nekim ekonomskim pokazateljima.The solar irrigation system that provides agricultural farm during the summer months, up to 12m3 irrigation water from a depth of 30m is presented in this paper. Irrigation is well known problem in the dry regions where there is no possibility connection of the irrigation equipment to the electric distribution network. The results of measurements the generated electric energy from photovoltaic cells during the summer 2012th, as a basis for recharging lead-acid batteries are shown in this paper. The Q-H curve of the vibration submersible pump ā€žKatexā€œ 220W used for testing systems shows that it can provide daily irrigation water than 12m3. Based on the testing results, solar irrigation system for small agricultural farms was designed and presented with the basic components and some economic indicators

    Electric drives of the transport means from Tesla to today

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    Jedan od osnovnih komponenata tehnoloÅ”kog razvoja u 20. veku predstavlja intenzivan razvoj saobraćaja i raznih vidova transportnih sredstava. U ovom radu je prikazano kako je veliki pronalazač i vizionar, Nikola Tesla video i Å”ta je radio na razvoju transportnih sredstava sa električnim pogonom na kopnu, železnici, u vazduhu i vodi, i kako su se ta sredstva razvijala do danas. Posebno je objaÅ”njeno Teslino podržavanje razvoja električnih vozila (EV). Početkom 20 veka, pojavom snažnijih i robusnijih vozila pokretanih motorima sa unutraÅ”njim sagorevanjem (SUS) razvoj EV je zapostavljen i potisnut u stranu. U naÅ”oj zemlji je proučavanje EV započeto sredinom druge polovine proÅ”log veka i napravljeno je viÅ”e uspeÅ”nih eksperimenata. Zbog određenih prednosti koje poseduju, postoje velika očekivanja dalje primene EV. U nastavku je prikazan razvoj električnih pogona na Å”inskim vozilima. Mada je prvo Å”insko vozilo napravljeno joÅ” 1839. godine, električni pogon Å”inskih vozila obeležio je drugu polovinu 20. veka. Krajem 20. veka realizovani su pogoni brzih vozova sa linearnim magnetskim poljem i magnetskom levitacijom (Maglev). Krajem 19. veka je već postojao električni pogon podmornica jednosmernim sistemom. U radu je objaÅ”njeno Teslino zalaganje za razvoj električnih pogona najvećih brodova sa električnim pogonom, tako da je i prvi nosač aviona 1927. godine posedovao naizmenični pogon. Na nekim vrstama brodova tehničke flote kao i naftnim platformama sa dinamičkim pozicioniranjem električni pogon nije nikada napuÅ”ten. Danas se skoro svi veliki putnički brodovi prave sa Azipod električnim pogonom. Za posebne namene proučavaju se i nove vrste pogona brodova i podmornica, kao Å”to je magnetohidrodinamička (MHD). Posebna pažnja posvećena je projektima u vezi sa transportnim sredstvima u čijoj realizaciji je učestvovao Institut tehničkih nauka SANU.One of the main components of technological development in the 20th century represents the intensive development of transport and various types of all types of transport vehicles. This paper shows how great inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla saw and what he did to develop the means of transportation with electric drive on land, rail, air and water, and how these resources are developed to today. Tesla,s supporting of the development of electric vehicles (EV) has been special explained. In the early 20th century, with the advent of more powerful and robust vehicle driven by internal combustion engines (SUS), EV development was neglected and pushed aside. The research of EV in our country started at the middle of the second half of the last century and ever since more successful experiments was delivered. Due to certain advantages they possess, there are great expectations of pursuing the EV. Paper further presents the development of electric drives on rail vehicles. Although the first rail vehicle was made in 1839, electrically powered rail vehicles marked the second half of the 20th century. By the end of the 20th century were implemented high-speed train drives with a linear magnetic field and magnetic levitation (Maglev). At the end of the 19th century there was already electric propelled submarine with DC system. The paper explains Tesla's commitment to the development of electric drive ships with the greatest electric drive, so that the first aircraft carrier in 1927 possessed alternating drive. For some types of technical fleet ships and oil rigs with dynamic positioning, electric drive was never abandoned. Today, almost all large passenger vessels are made with Azipod electric propulsion. For the specific purposes, new type of propulsion of ships and submarines are researched, one of which is magneto hydrodynamic (MHD). Special attention is given the projects related to transport means in its realization participated Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA

    Some Possible Aplications Of Electric Drives in Military Vehicles

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    The major advantages of electric propulsion compared to conventional power transmission drive of diesel engine to the wheels are presented and explained. It is in briefly showed development of some electrical vehicles in our country. The analysis of the electric drive showed some advantages of electric propulsion, such as operation without thermo emission of the vehicle, improved maneuvering and noiseless operating of the vehicle and saving fossil fuel. For any applications, hybrid vehicles have some good features of electric drive and vehicles with IC engines. Some military applications in the world of electric vehicle will be shown in this paper
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